Saturday, December 8, 2007


I haven't posted anything in nearly a month and I haven't knitted in nearly as long. I could go into boring detail about everything that has been keeping me busy but would rather not re-live it. (Not that there was anything bad, on the contrary. Not bad, just exhausting.) Instead I will simply recount the lessons I have learned.

1. I am a tad too anal about where my dishes are put away. I never though I was, in fact I always prided myself on how open minded I was. Denial I guess, because it really does bother me if someone stacks the pots and pans their way instead of mine.

2. I am turning into a fairly decent cook. It's taken me half my life, but I'm getting there.

3. More than any thing else, children desire time and attention from the the grown ups in their life. Everyone needs to be validated.

4. Getting up in the wee hours of the morning to go shopping can be somewhat productive but is really quite insane.

5. Parents need to take a few steps back and let their children succeed or fail all by themselves.

6. We can not let winning or losing define who we are or how we feel about ourselves.

7. Making 200 hydro bracelets for your son's entrepreneur's club craft fair can prove to be somewhat tedious and quite painful.

8. It's not all about money. More money is rarely the answer.

8. It truly is better to give than it is to receive. But as my wise son pointed out, it's OK to receive because if you are giving, someone is receiving.

Which brings us to how we should do our receiving......

9. It's all about gratitude.

The craziness is pretty much over, it's time to relax, do some serious Christmas baking, and......KNIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happiness to you in your life ahead!