Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Good day sunshine.......

I always thought I was a winter girl.  Having a December birthday I was convinced as a child that winter was really my favorite season.   The funny thing is that the highlight of my entire year was going to the store and getting my summer sandals, and my favorite holiday has always been the 4th of July.  Winter girl?....I think not.

I love the sunshine....I love the warm weather.....I love to swim.....I LOVE wearing flip flops every day of the year!  I never would have believed it, but I am a summer girl.

If I had a day that I could give you
I'd give to you a day just like today
If I had a song that I could sing for you
I'd sing a song to make you feel this way

Friday, November 20, 2009

I'm ready......

Well I set a goal that I would post on my blog every two years, regardless of how busy I am! So far so good! Seriously, It's interesting how life moves forward. I'm ready, it's time, I feel now I have something to say.......