Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's been nearly a year? Blog, I am so sorry.

I find myself apologizing to my blog.  So sorry for the blatant neglect.

I experienced and epiphany of sorts today.

While driving son number 3 to school I thought about the man who holds the stop/slow sign at the entrance to the bridge construction.  Is he cold?  Is he satisfied with his career?  Does he have regrets?

I saw a mother leave her home with her young son to walk him to school.  Coming back I saw her return.  I saw her almost sigh, was she happy?  Afraid?  Satisfied that she was caring well for her son?  Nervous of how she would cope with the lonely hours until his return?

I watched an elderly gentleman come out from his home and walk to the curb to retrieve his newspaper from the container beneath the mailbox.  I thought about that sweet grandpa.  Or is he a grandpa?  Is he sweet?   Does he live alone?  Is he struggling with illness?  Is he content with the life that brought him to this point?

On the return journey I was thinking about all that I would like to accomplish in my life. All the desires that loom unfinished or un-begun.  And it occurred to me.....it's not all about me.  It's about grandpa getting the newspaper, it's about young mother taking her baby to school, it's about Mr. Stop/Slow sign standing out in the cold.

Therefor it's time again to reinvent.  I even fancied changing the blog name to something else, something that would better encompass my new vision and outlook.  But nothing better comes to mind.  So Precious Purls it shall remain.