Sunday, February 13, 2011

All three of my fans have requested a post....

So here it is.

Over the past several months I have composed many many eloquent posts for this forum.  All in my head.  The problem is when I am thus feverishly writing these amazing discourses I am nowhere near my computer.  It's usually in the car, the grocery store, or in the shower where brilliance touches my brain.

The problem is by the time I get to my keyboard to unleash these amazing thoughts, they are either gone (I'm not getting any younger you know) or my perspective has somehow changed.

So since I have no deep thought or brilliant insight  to share I thought I would just get everyone (all three of you) up to date on my goings on...

So here's the skinny.  I have given up the homeschooling dream due to various reasons.  We have been blessed with an AMAZING charter school and the children are very happy.  It was absolutely the right decision.  I think I have known it in my heart that this is what needed to happen this year but I was afraid.  We are adjusting to the new schedule, it's working out, and I'm glad.

The hardest part about sending my kids to school has been the guilt.  I think I have pretty much licked that one though.  The other day at the store I bought a package of Twizzlers and ate the whole thing myself.  I even hid the wrapper from the kids so that they wouldn't know.  I didn't even buy a treat for them, no,  just celery, cauliflower and cheese crackers.  I was the only one who enjoyed candy that day.  Despicable?  Yes :)

The second hardest part has been the blow to my self esteem, the feeling that I have somehow failed.  This has not been completely resolved yet.  I did buy myself a pair of jeans at full price because I knew I deserved them but that's not quite enough.  Perhaps a pedicure......