Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Little Breeze Would Be Nice

It's August.
The day is clear and bright.
The air is still and warm.

Mourners huddle in the available shade.
Saying goodbye to a treasured soul.
She gave us love and touched our lives.
Made us stronger, dried our tears.
We are better because she was here.

The air is warm, even in the shade.
The tears flow. The hearts ache.
Longing for comfort. Longing for relief.
From the pain. From the sadness.
From the hopelessness of loss.

Meanwhile, she who is gone, has arrived.
Greeted by those she has loved and once lost.
Such a glorious reunion! What a blessed day!
Then she turns, there to see
Mourners huddled in the available shade.

He comes to her and asks:
You are concerned for them. You love them so.
Is there anything I can do?
She gazes into His loving eyes, nods approval and replies:
“A little breeze would be nice.”

It's August.
The day is clear and bright.
The air is still and warm.

Mourners huddle in the available shade.
As they listen to prayers of peace and hope
A little breeze whispers through the crowd.
Cools the body, calms the spirit.
That's better.  The breeze helps.

As mourners leave that sacred place
Courage builds within their hearts
We are going to be OK.
We will grow stronger. We will be kinder.
The breeze helps, the breeze helps.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Millions of people happy.....

A beautiful and talented neighbor of mine has a delightful and insightful blog.  You should really check it out.  Her post today was about being who you always wanted to be. Reaching for the stars. Following your dream.

I, like Meg, was always told that I could do anything I wanted to do.  I could be anything I wanted to be.  All I needed was the desire.  I always tried to believe that until, like Meg, I stopped.

As a child I would get easily discouraged.  I would quit if I thought I couldn't be the best.  If I couldn't win I didn't want to play.  I longed to realize my dreams.  I did have them you know.  But I just didn't think I could succeed.

Then came Kermit the Frog and I changed my mind, sort of.  In The Muppet Movie Kermit heads to Hollywood in pursuit of his dream.  His dream?  To make millions of people happy!  Eureka!  This was my dream as well!  I could do it!  I knew I could!  But what if I couldn't?  What If I didn't succeed? Just in case I added an escape clause to my new found vision.  I decided I may have something to offer but I shouldn't get my hopes up for success because there will always be someone out there who can do it better.

I have told my children many times you can do anything you want to do, be anything you want to be!  Do your best!  But remember,  there will always be someone who can do it better.

Is this what I really believe?  Well, until yesterday, I suppose it was.

But today I see that I was wrong. Very wrong.  I want my children to know that they can do and be anything they want!  They can have all the success they desire!  They can be the best!  I am sorry for leading them astray all these years.  Hopefully someday they will forgive me, and not require too much therapy.

How did I come about this epiphany you ask?   I answer unabashedly: The Bee Gees of course, the Bee Gees!  I was enjoying a show on Netflix entitled "Bee Gees: In Our Own Time" and something they said was life changing.  When talking about success Barry and Robin explained how they saw the success that the Beatles were experiencing and figured they could have that opportunity as well.  "We began to believe in ourselves.  We began to believe, well OK if they can do it then we should be able to have a go at doing it. Not borne out of arrogance, just a blind belief that...hey you know, why can't we have a shot at that?"

And why not?  Yes....WHY NOT!

A little green frog CAN go to Hollywood and make millions of people happy.  Three brothers from Manchester CAN be as successful as the Beatles.  And Meg, you can not only write a book, you CAN write The Great American Novel!

Why not?  Why not indeed!

Friday, May 4, 2012

If you can read this, HUG a teacher!!

I'm in the mood to blog....

Usually I have ooodles of time and nothing to say.  Well this week I have had absolutely NO TIME and ooodles to say!  Maybe next week will be better.

Here's what I have been up to....

 It's National Teacher Appreciation Week next week.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

It's been nearly a year? Blog, I am so sorry.

I find myself apologizing to my blog.  So sorry for the blatant neglect.

I experienced and epiphany of sorts today.

While driving son number 3 to school I thought about the man who holds the stop/slow sign at the entrance to the bridge construction.  Is he cold?  Is he satisfied with his career?  Does he have regrets?

I saw a mother leave her home with her young son to walk him to school.  Coming back I saw her return.  I saw her almost sigh, was she happy?  Afraid?  Satisfied that she was caring well for her son?  Nervous of how she would cope with the lonely hours until his return?

I watched an elderly gentleman come out from his home and walk to the curb to retrieve his newspaper from the container beneath the mailbox.  I thought about that sweet grandpa.  Or is he a grandpa?  Is he sweet?   Does he live alone?  Is he struggling with illness?  Is he content with the life that brought him to this point?

On the return journey I was thinking about all that I would like to accomplish in my life. All the desires that loom unfinished or un-begun.  And it occurred to's not all about me.  It's about grandpa getting the newspaper, it's about young mother taking her baby to school, it's about Mr. Stop/Slow sign standing out in the cold.

Therefor it's time again to reinvent.  I even fancied changing the blog name to something else, something that would better encompass my new vision and outlook.  But nothing better comes to mind.  So Precious Purls it shall remain.