Wednesday, August 8, 2012

A Little Breeze Would Be Nice

It's August.
The day is clear and bright.
The air is still and warm.

Mourners huddle in the available shade.
Saying goodbye to a treasured soul.
She gave us love and touched our lives.
Made us stronger, dried our tears.
We are better because she was here.

The air is warm, even in the shade.
The tears flow. The hearts ache.
Longing for comfort. Longing for relief.
From the pain. From the sadness.
From the hopelessness of loss.

Meanwhile, she who is gone, has arrived.
Greeted by those she has loved and once lost.
Such a glorious reunion! What a blessed day!
Then she turns, there to see
Mourners huddled in the available shade.

He comes to her and asks:
You are concerned for them. You love them so.
Is there anything I can do?
She gazes into His loving eyes, nods approval and replies:
“A little breeze would be nice.”

It's August.
The day is clear and bright.
The air is still and warm.

Mourners huddle in the available shade.
As they listen to prayers of peace and hope
A little breeze whispers through the crowd.
Cools the body, calms the spirit.
That's better.  The breeze helps.

As mourners leave that sacred place
Courage builds within their hearts
We are going to be OK.
We will grow stronger. We will be kinder.
The breeze helps, the breeze helps.

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