Monday, October 29, 2007

Just a Monday, I suppose.

Today has been long and difficult. I haven't felt well and I spent the afternoon in bed. It is so frustrating to not get things done when there is so much to do.

I did start on a hat. Yesterday in church the Relief Society president said that November was hat month and that if we wanted we could all wear hats in support of a Sister in our Ward who is on her 4th round of chemo for breast cancer. She wears a hat every Sunday so now she won't be the odd man (or woman) out. I think it's a sweet gesture and will be fun! I am using the blue blog patterns: beginners hat. I am doing it in a nice lavender color and I hope to add a funky I-cord flower with a vintage button center. We'll see how it turns out.

A while ago I made this baby bassinet that I got from cheap knitting patterns. Although I have boys I have to knit something pink every once in a while just to keep my sanity. The boys thought it was cute though and said I had to make a baby for it. The pattern I used for the baby is Bev's little pocket muggins. Bev's version doesn't include legs, but Levi kept insisting that the baby needed legs. I just made two more arms and they worked out just fine. My boys are my biggest fans. They love everything I create, that makes me happy. Levi says "Mama, did you "mitted" this? I love it, it's beautiful"! What more remuneration could one want?

I also knitted part of Simon and Isaac's Halloween costumes. But that's another tale for another day.

Happiness to you in your life ahead!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Isn't the approbation of children a soul-strengthening thing! Go for it, Mary!

Lisa Joner