Wednesday, October 31, 2007


It has been a good day (as Halloween's go).
Here is a brief accounting of the days events:

First Grade Halloween Show

Me. Wearing my costume.
(Apple Hat from Cheap Knitting Patterns.)

Party, party, party!

Two little devils and a skeleton.
( I knitted the devils headbands and tails using
Darling Devil Set from Lion Brand.)

We took the boys out trick-or-treating for a while this evening. When we came home we sorted the loot and put the majority of the chocolate in bags in the freezer (clearly labeled as to who's loot it is, of course) for future munchie attacks. I did find time to finish my lavender hat for church. I'm now working on the flower. It didn't turn out quite the way I expected, but I am still pleased. It's getting late and I am tired. So, happiness to you in your life ahead,

Elvis has left the building.

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