Thursday, November 1, 2007

20 Hats Project

Today while browsing the new patterns on Knitting Pattern Central I stumbled upon the 20 Hats Project. Members have a goal of knitting 20 baby hats for a hospital for Christmas 2007. I'm very excited to participate!

Speaking of hats, here is the hat I made for church on Sunday. I'm still working on the flower.

It's a little more gathered at the top then I expected, but it looks good on. Kind of reminiscent of the 20's flapper look, especially with a big I-cord flower on the side! Charlston, charalston, hoochy coo and boo boop pa doo.

I have a couple other projects on the back burner. It's interesting how the creative process goes. Sometimes something just feels right and sometimes it doesn't. I have unraveled pieces that represented hours of work because I knew in my heart that I would never get around to finishing them. I am trying to knit something special for my sister for Christmas. (I can't say what it is, because she reads my blog and it's a surprise.) I am on my third try and hopefully this one is a keeper. I don't know why this one has been so difficult, maybe because she is one of the most important people in my life and I want this to be perfect. She is also an extremely patient and understanding person. And being related to me she is used to getting her Christmas gifts around Easter.

I'm having company for the weekend and my house is a mess (as usual). The laundry is piled up and I haven't emptied the dishwasher yet from yesterday. Ah, but at least I have my priorities in order knitting, blogging, knitting, and watching my season one collection of The Mary Tyler Moore show. Life can be beautiful!

Happiness to you in your life ahead!

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