Tuesday, November 6, 2007

The Tummy Bug

Nothing much to report. We have all been taking turns with a rather virulent tummy bug. It has passed (no pun intended) from one member of the family to another and then back again. The good news is that after a day and a half it's pretty much over and one can get back one's feet as it were.

I did make it to church on Sunday and I had many compliments on my hat. (I will post a photo of the finished product soon.) I also finished two hats for the 20 Hats Project. (Which I will also post photos of soon.) I am trying several different patterns to see which ones I like. This one is cute, but you really do have to bind off loosely or the sides are noticeably different lengths when you go to sew them together.

I have really over booked myself. I need to learn to say no. This week I have to be over at the school every day except Monday. Today was my day to work in the office and make copies for the teachers (just an hour and a half while Levi is at school, they have several "copy parents" that come in and help out, reduces copy machine traffic I suppose). Tomorrow is Simon's Entrepreneurs Club meeting (they asked me to help out with the 6th grade group, last time I didn't really do anything and I don't know if they really need me, but I said that I would go). Thursday is my morning to help out in 1st grade ( I go every other Thursday, this is something I really enjoy, the kids are so delightful!). And Friday we are having our first meeting with Isaac's Odyssey of the Mind team (whew).

And to top it all off I am team mom for Simon's soccer team. I need to decided on a end of the season, thanks to the coaches type party and email everyone and let them know what is going on.

So goodnight from me the 1st grade room mother, copy parent, Odyssey of the Mind coach, soccer mom, maid, chief cook and bottle washer, nurse, homework tutor........you know, what the world calls a "stay at home mom".

Happiness to you in your life ahead.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

And some people think being a stay at home mom is easy!!!! Wow--you go girl. Hope you had a great week. I am sure it went fast. :-)