Sunday, November 11, 2007

Tender Mercies.

I have been looking for a set of size six double pointed needles for quite some time. I prefer the old fashioned metal ones that they don't make anymore. So you can see that something like that would be rather hard to find.

Our townhome community had it's semi annual carport sales on Friday and Saturday. A neighbor, knowing my passion for yarn, called me up and said she had small bag of yarn and some other knitting stuff. Would I like it ? She would let me have it for 50 cents. Well, nearly 2 and a half minutes later I was at her carport, two quarters in hand.

Well you guessed it, mixed in with the yarn was a set of vintage metal dpn's SIZE 6. Heavenly Father loves me, and he knows the desires of my heart. No matter how small and seemingly insignificant those desires may be. Such a loving and caring Father. I am constantly amazed.

Here is my Sunday hat with flower. I took the idea from this knitted flower pattern. I used a vintage button for the center and sewed a pin to the back.

I have finished 3 hats for the 20 hats project. Look here for pictures. They are so fun to make! I guess part of it is the instant gratification of having them done so quickly! But the thought of my creations keeping a little tiny head nice and toasty warm, makes me smile.

Here's a shot of one of Simon's games. (he's the gray and black dude in the center) Their team made it into the finals so we have two more weeks of games to go. Go Warriors!!!

Happiness to you in your life ahead!


Amanda said...

It amazes me too how much the Lord really does know us and blesses us! It is very fun looking back and seeing how His hand has played a role-- we just didn't understand it at the time! Cute hat! I don't knit but love to crochet (is that how it is spelled?) and quilt and am about to get into the world of making cloth pocket diapers!

Sisterly Knits said...

I love the hat. It's so...unique...and awesome! :3 Personally, I don't knit hats very much because my family isn't very..."hatish".

Anonymous said...

Hello! This is not a response, but a question. I want to make a fleece blanket. I want to use yarn to do that finishing stitch on the edge where one goes in and then there is a line on the edge making a T, like you did on Claire's blanket, but I am not sure how to do it, any advice?

Precious Purls said...

It's just a simple blanket stitch.
Good luck!